The Studio Edition of FotoFinish allows you to add text to your images.
Select the Text Tool from the toolbar and click anywhere on the image. This opens
up a separate Draw Text dialog with a standard Windows insertion point
(flashing cursor). Type your text, select it with the mouse, and then apply
formatting (such as font, size, and
alignment) to it with the controls below.
Edit the text in the Text dialog
You can drag the mouse within the text window and select parts of your text that you want to format (just as you would in Microsoft Word). You can cut, delete, copy, and paste any portion of the text by selecting it and using the standard Windows commands.
When you click Apply, your text is placed on the image as an active selection. This means you can still move it by dragging, or change its color, opacity and other properties by using the controls in the Tool Settings Panel.
The Tool Settings Panel for Text
If you double-click on the actively selected text, it will re-open in the Draw Text dialog for further editing. When you are satisfied with your text, click in the background of your image to apply it.
After applying the text, if you want to edit it again, you can choose the Re-Select button in the Tool Settings Panel to make it an active selection again. This only works until you create another object or perform editing on your image. After that, the text can no longer be re-selected.
Text can be applied as a Floating Object in an image with layers. This allows you to reselect, move, edit or delete text at any time. To learn more about working with floating objects on layers, please see: Layers.